Overview of Software CMM |
SITARA Continuing Education Points: 1 point
PREREQUISITES: Software Engineering, Structured Software Development, Project Management & Team Building experience in a software development environment. Good understanding of analysis & design of technical solutions.
a prerequisite for a more elaborate treatment of the Software CMM framework
ABSTRACT: This tutorial is a good introductory course to provide an overview of the SW-CMM framework. The SW-CMM framework helps an organization to build a robust change management initiative of its software development process. The SW-CMM orients itself toward building a strong foundation to support and sustain ongoing continuous process improvement by continuously exploring better ways of doing things. The framework is a staged approach to managing changes to the software development process by making "incremental changes" through a transition management approach.
of the key areas addressed by the SW-CMM framework include project
management, requirements management, change management, quality
management, product engineering, inter-group coordination and defect
prevention . When viewed as a staged model, at Level 2
the Repeatable Level, a sense of responsibility and effective management
of processes is inculcated by building a foundation of process discipline to create a CULTURE OF COMMITMENT. At Level 3
the Defined Level, software engineering and management processes for
development and maintenance are integrated into a coherent whole by
establishing a process definition standard - called the Organizational
Standard Software Process to create a CULTURE OF BEST PRACTICES. At Level 4
the Managed Level, product quality, service quality and performance
measures are understood in statistical terms to support fact-based
decision-making by institutionalizing quantitative management of
engineering processes to create a CULTURE OF MANAGED PRACTICES. At Level 5 the Optimizing Level,
change management is applied to a continuous process improvement program to
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