Applying the Software & People CMM to a Learning Environment |
SITARA Continuing Education Points: 2 points
PREREQUISITES: Understanding the CMM & People Issues in SEI-CMM Implementation
OBJECTIVES: Mastery, Mental Models, Shared Vision & Team Building to accomplish larger organizational objectives using the CMM initiatives will be explored.
ABSTRACT: Application
of the concepts of “The Fifth Discipline” by Peter M. Senge, as an
effective leverage tool to exploit the benefits from implementing the
People-CMM and Software-CMM frameworks in learning organizations is
examined in a holistic manner. Peter Senge’s seminal work is coupled
with field experiences from implementing the Software Capability Maturity
Model (SW-CMM) and People Capability Maturity Model (P-CMM) frameworks in
leading multinationals to provide insights into how to create and sustain
a successful process culture. This tutorial describes how to exploit the
synergy among the two reference frameworks of the CMM and concepts such
as, Systems Thinking, Personal Mastery, Mental Models, Shared Vision &
Team Building to accomplish larger organizational objectives. The central
message of The Fifth Discipline is that organizations work the way they
work, because of how people and other constituencies in it think and
interact. Only by improving this collective thought, can we change deeply
embedded policies and practices for the better. And, only by improving the
interaction among all constituencies can shared visions and shared
understandings, with new capacities for coordinated action, be
established. This notion is pretty new for most of us.
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