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SITARA's Commitment to Global Best Practices supporting Universal Excellence |
SITARA's Pledge to the
"To bring the best of all worlds closer home & within the reach of India!"
After years of exposure and studying Best Practices around the Globe, we have come to conclude that progress is possible only in a Learning Environment AND when treated holistically. The essential hallmarks are -
Adapt Imaginatively
Borrow Shamelessly
Imitate Creatively
And, it requires an emphasis on "UNIVERSAL EXCELLENCE" for harmonious development. Which means, it is not enough if only one aspect of the Indian economy - the IT industry in particular with the largest number of CMM Level 5's in the world - is putting its house in order. All aspects of an economy must become sensitive to adopting Global Best Practices and must gear itself up to internalize learning from such observations.
These web-pages are dedicated to the cause of building a Nation of our dreams. And for the motivation?
As one of our countryman Mr. Shiv Khera, puts it so well -
"Today's problems are a result of yesterday's short sighted solutions. India is NOT the first country with problems, but we are the first country NOT coming up with solutions." How true!
To quote him again ...
"We have to protect not what we have inherited but what we are leaving for our children."
So, if you are -
Keen on building a vibrant, forward looking and a glorious Nation of our dreams
Widely traveled and have observed a Global Best Practice which you would like to
please submit your ideas on our web-site by completing the form from the RISING STAR icon below.
Your submissions will be posted on our web-site after review.
To view submissions click here
If there is a category that is NOT listed above, please suggest its inclusion, and you may make your submissions leaving the category - blank.
All submissions are peer-reviewed and posted after careful review.
If you are domain specialist and would like to contribute on the review board in
an honorary capacity, please contact SITARA
Technologies and indicate your preference.
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