consultancy firm, launched six months ago had already
achieved significant successes, with taking up two
projects and becoming a strategic partner to SEI.
Sitara has been identified as the only candidate
transition partner in India to deliver the
Introduction to CMMI-SE/SW course.
"We are the facilitators of change management,
process improvement and technology adoption. We take a
holistic view of all the key issues involved like
software processes, people, acquisition, dealing with
bureaucracy. We believe in building efficiency within
the system, not the processes alone," said Sitara
Technologies CEO and chairman Raghav S Nandyal.
The excellence framework in development does not
aim at information technology sector alone. "We
think politics also is a sector worthy of implementing
quality processes and change management. Our framework
is targeted towards politics as well as information
technology and automobiles. We have plans for all
segments - small, medium and big. Initially we are
planning to do pilot consultancies for free of cost.
Hopefully, our final product would be released by the
fourth quarter," Raghav said.
Sitara's ProcessXperts SBU provides strategic and
professional consultancy for developing, improving,
enhancing and assessing the process capability of
organisations dealing with IT. E-BizXperts SBU deals
with e-products, e-business strategies, e-portals,
content designing and development, business process
reengineering and risk evaluation and customisation.
Sitara is currently imparting a three-day
introductory course on PCMM and SW CMM. "Our
introductory course is recognised as the best on the
subject. This has been developed with zero-commercial
intent. We get our revenues from our consultancy
business," he said. The course has integrated
several new and innovative aspects like fifth
discipline, family therapy, neuro linguistic
programming and learning organisation paradigm.
Sitara is currently doing research in software
management and in mitigating software risks and
building self-sustaining software process improvement
programs in development environments working on
emerging technologies.